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so i want to take just a moment to.
address and give my thoughts on.
one topic that comes up a lot for new.
affiliate marketers who are using tic.
and hopefully i can help you out and.
help you make some decisions on which.
way you want to go.
so the issue comes down with the.
clickable link on tick tock and if you.
have a brand new tic tac.
account and it's a creator account you.
can't actually put a clickable link over.
to your funnel.
inside that tic tac account you have to.
get to a thousand followers on your.
creator account.
before you can actually add that.
clickable link which will then generate.
leads and all that good stuff now there.
is a quote-unquote work around in tic.
tac whereas if you switch over to a.
business account you can immediately.
add a clickable link into your account.
from day one zero followers now the.
issue here.
is when you create a business account.
you don't.
get access to the trending sounds.
um so really when when you're new and.
you don't have any followers the the way.
you can become discovered.
is by jumping on trends that's the the.
beauty of.
tick-tock nothing no other platform.
loves a copycat video like.
like tick-tock does so i think it is.
really important to.
to have a creator account in order to.
see growth now.
some people are switching back and forth.
where they will create.
their videos on a crater account so they.
can get access to the trending sounds.
then switch back over to a business.
account so they can have a clickable.
and the the thing is is people are.
struggling to grow.
as business accounts i see that in the.
in the in the comments.
in the in the group here um i know this.
is a thing.
so really there is no right or wrong.
answer whatever you want to do is fine.
however in general in in marketing in.
general and growing a brand in general.
the longer you delay gratification the.
longer you.
delay income the more success you're.
going to see long term.
and i'm not telling you to put off.
earning commissions forever but.
what i'm saying is is if you just commit.
to a creator account.
and try to grow as fast as possible you.
you're probably going to see uh some.
momentum more quickly yeah you don't.
have the clickable link from day one but.
once again you're you're building a.
following faster because you're.
accessing those trending sounds your.
creator account.
it seems like tic tac is more likely to.
push out creator videos.
and the other reason i think it might.
just be best just to go with the creator.
account and make your initial goal as.
hitting a.
thousand followers is because generally.
whatever your goal is.
is is the result that you will get and.
what i mean by that is if you.
create a business account and you get.
that link up there then you're just.
going to start making tick tocks and.
hoping to make some money right.
and that's not really a goal but if you.
get a creator account then you have a.
uh concrete goal from from day one and.
that's to get a thousand followers.
and guess what your brain will work.
subconsciously and you'll you'll make.
strides to do whatever it takes to get.
that thousand followers.
as quickly as possible then you can add.
your link and then you can go from there.
so there's a couple reasons why um.
i think maybe just stick with the.
commit to getting your first thousand.
and and delay.
the monetization and hopefully you know.
you'll get there within a week.
or two i mean it's certainly possible to.
get there within a couple of days.
it's not going to happen for everybody.
but there's still a great opportunity to.
go viral on tic tac.
if you're using those trending trending.
sounds and.
and you're leveraging duet features and.
and all that stuff that you can really.
uh with the creator account so that's my.
thought for the day if you have any.
questions drop them in the in the.
comments and then we'll we'll try to get.
the specifics there but uh it's probably.
the best way to go.
Instagram affiliate marketing for beginners
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