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Learn how to tap into the massive online affiliate marketing industry and create a successful affiliate marketing machine in just 5 minutes. Discover the importance of creating helpful content, nurturing purchase intent, and leveraging affiliate marketing software and networks for success.
The video discusses the massive online affiliate marketing industry, where people spend five trillion dollars every year. The speaker explains how to tap into this industry and create an affiliate marketing machine. To make money through affiliate marketing, you need an organic traffic channel to sell your affiliate links. The speaker explains how to create helpful content to attract people with purchase intent. Affiliate marketing is a real content-driven business that requires a consistent content strategy, which includes creating a content machine to continuously add content to your website. The speaker emphasizes that diversification is key to have a successful affiliate marketing business
five trillion dollars that's how much
people spend every single year online
now that is a five with 12 zeros after
it and sixteen percent of global Sales
Online run through Affiliates so that's
right people recommending the products
bloggers and YouTubers making
commissions so the market share here is
literally tens or hundreds of billions
of dollars
so how do you tap into this industry and
make money even if you're working full
time well you need to create an
affiliate marketing machine so that's
what we're going to cover in today's
video but before we get started I want
to invite you to watch my free
masterclass covers how I make 400 000 a
month with my content driven business
click the link in the description below
sign up for that and let's get into the
topic for today
affiliate marketing is truly a numbers
game and you need an organic free
traffic channel to sell through so you
need someone to click one of your
affiliate links and buy something from
someone else so to do that it's really a
numbers game and you basically need a
lot of people visiting your content to
click on your affiliate links so let's
say you want to make a thousand dollars
with affiliate marketing and you're
promoting like home stuff and mattresses
so let's say you create content around
the best mattresses for side sleepers
something that I do and move around and
try to sleep on and you recommend the
Helix Sleep mattress and it's 10.99 so
you go to helixsleep.com you click their
affiliate program Link at the bottom of
the homepage you see their affiliate
program is an impact and you see that
they pay Affiliates a six percent
commission so let's do the math for
every 1099 mattress you sell through an
affiliate link you make 65.94 so you
need to sell about 15 mattresses to make
a thousand bucks now we can assume the
average e-commerce conversion rate is
like two percent two percent of people a
click that will buy so you need 50
clicks on your affiliate link to
generate one sale at that two percent so
for 15 sales you need 750 clicks on your
affiliate links and they get 750 click
six you need about 2250 site visitors
because around 30 percent of people that
visit your website actually click on one
of the affiliate links so now those two
thousand two hundred fifty site visitors
are making you a thousand dollars that's
an RPM or Revenue per thousand visitors
of 444 so for every thousand visitors to
your website to that specific post
you're making 444 dollars now that's
pretty good considering it's over 20
times higher than what you'd make with
banner ads but as you can see affiliate
marketing is a numbers game and your
traffic will only get you so far what it
also comes down to is intent so we
discussed you needed 2 250 people to
your website to make 15 affiliate sales
but where are these people coming from
now this is actually the most important
part of affiliate marketing did they
come from Pinterest YouTube Tick Tock
Instagram Google Facebook this really
matters so if they were aimlessly
scrolling through Instagram and came
across your content are they likely to
buy a thousand dollar product what about
Tick Tock or Facebook this is actually
considered Interruption marketing and
doesn't work really well for affiliate
marketing so when people are just
passively scrolling through search
intent isn't really there they're not
ready to buy Because the actual people
aren't interested in buying anything at
that exact moment they're not going to
use your affiliate link but what about
people using search engines so that's
namely Google and YouTube so if someone
is Googling best mattresses for side
sleepers they're probably getting very
close and almost ready to actually buy
something or if they search that exact
same phrase in YouTube they're looking
for videos reviewing these products so
they can click links and make purchases
so affiliate marketing revenue is all
about the intent behind the search the
intent behind the user so you can't spam
people and think they'll click your
affiliate links you need to create this
helpful content in the form of either
blog posts or YouTube videos that can be
searched by people who are actually
interested in buying something so this
brings us to the most important Point
since affiliate marketing is a numbers
game and you need organic content on
Google and YouTube this is a real
content driven business and you need an
engine behind it so this isn't some
hobby that you just want to dabble in
you want to go all in on this now this
can be tough on the side of a full-time
job but creating a Content driven
business is great because there are very
low startup costs and it can eventually
be outsourced so let's go back to the
mattress example and move around so
getting 15 sales and making a thousand
dollars from a blog post is cool but
what if you want to make ten thousand
dollars a month or even a hundred
thousand dollars a month just with
affiliate marketing like I do well then
you need a consistent and ongoing
content strategy you can't just write
one article and be done with it you need
to continuously create content for
example if you go to hrefs a popular
keyword research tool and you put in
best mattresses into the matching terms
tool you see a ton of different articles
you could write best memory foam
mattresses mattresses for seniors crib
mattresses best hybrid mattresses firm
mattresses floor mattresses mattresses
in a box best for campers teenagers
queen size king size best mattresses
that don't shake when the kids are in
the other room you get the point so
every Niche has different amounts of
opportunity but it's very high and a lot
more than you think especially since 16
to 20 percent of Google searches are
brand new every single year and have
never been searched before there's your
opportunity so you go after new and
emerging products things that you can
rank for on Google things that you can
talk about without much competition on
YouTube then you create this content you
join the affiliate programs add your
links and work on one thing and one
thing only creating your content machine
so a Content machine is not one blog
post or a few YouTube videos or joining
three to four affiliate programs a
Content machine is about diversification
so it's about actually creating a
content-driven affiliate marketing
business it's not how do I create a few
articles as a hobby it's how do I get to
100 articles in the next year or two how
do I start trickling in affiliate
revenue and put it all back into writers
to scale this thing to the Moon because
diversification is key to an affiliate
marketing business so any business
that's algorithm driven and based on
traffic and eyeballs can have
fluctuations so but with volume if one
post goes down another post might go up
or if one affiliate program isn't
converting another one can come in
instead so I'm in over 300 affiliate
programs and have over 500 articles on
my blog some months are better than
others traffic can go up traffic can go
down but Revenue only goes up because of
diversification and having an affiliate
marketing machine so if that was
interesting to you if you want to learn
how I make four hundred thousand dollars
a month with my online business click
the link in the description below and
sign up for that free Master Class 60
Minutes of training condensed into one
video so check it out completely free
and let me know what you think do you
you have an affiliate marketing business
today are you trying it on YouTube are
you trying it blogging let me know and
please check out other videos on my
channel on affiliate marketing blogging
SEO you know really starting and running
a successful online business today
please like the video and I will see you
in the next one
One of the most effective ways how to succeed in affiliate marketing is by creating high-quality, helpful content tailored to your target audience. Engage potential buyers by offering practical tips, problem-solving articles, and comprehensive product or service reviews. Integrating affiliate links within this consumer-focused content allows you to monetize your website and promote your affiliate program effectively.
Utilizing keyword research for content ideas
Keyword research plays an essential role in creating content that aligns with your target audience’s interests. Utilize various keyword research tools to identify high-traffic, low-competition keywords that have the potential to engage and convert your audience. These keywords can provide inspiration for fresh content ideas that cater to the evolving needs of your audience while driving traffic toward your affiliate products.
Building a content machine for continuous content creation
A consistent content strategy is essential for continuous growth in affiliate marketing. Develop a content calendar to plan and schedule your content production, ensuring that you regularly release valuable content to your audience. Collaborate with experienced copywriters, editors, and content creators to create engaging content that will resonate with your target audience, drive traffic, and promote your affiliate program.
As an affiliate marketer, your objective is to encourage your audience to make a purchase through your affiliate links. You can do this by nurturing their purchase intent with persuasive content, such as product comparisons, testimonials, and case studies. Additionally, leverage email marketing campaigns to keep your subscribers informed about promotions, discounts, and new products provided by your affiliate network.
Diversification in affiliate marketing helps reduce financial risk by creating multiple streams of income. By partnering with various affiliate networks and promoting a diverse range of products, you can mitigate the impact of market fluctuations, changes in consumer preferences, and potential program cancellations. This approach ensures a well-rounded and reliable income, fuelling your long-term success in the affiliate marketing industry.
Choosing the right affiliate marketing software and networks is crucial for effectively managing and scaling your affiliate marketing business. These platforms enable you to track, analyze, and optimize your marketing campaigns while providing you with a wealth of affiliate programs to join.
One such highly-recommended solution is Post Affiliate Pro, which is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes. With its user-friendly interface, robust tracking and reporting features, and integration with popular eCommerce platforms, Post Affiliate Pro simplifies the management of your affiliate marketing efforts. By leveraging reliable and efficient software, you can focus on creating engaging content and driving sales, propelling your business toward success.
5 Quick-Fire Newbie Affiliate Tips
Affiliate marketing success involves taking risks, sticking to one offer type, and not getting complacent. It's important to find an edge through relationships with advertisers and networks, and by being creative and unique.
5 Best Types of Content For Affiliate Marketing
Top 5 content types for affiliate marketing: product reviews, comparisons, tutorials, in-use videos, and product roundups. Creating these can build trust, encourage purchases, and increase sales and income.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with Post Affiliate Pro.
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