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Learn how to start affiliate marketing for free with tips on creating quality content, using SEO tools, and collecting email addresses. Discover the importance of passion, hard work, and persistence in building a successful affiliate website without a budget.
In this video, Neil Patel and Adam Lodolce discuss whether it is possible to start affiliate marketing for free. They explain that starting with a free WordPress theme and creating quality content can build traffic and eventually lead to monetization through affiliate marketing. They provide tips on how to create content, use SEO tools, and collect email addresses to build an audience. Overall, the video emphasizes the importance of passion, hard work, and persistence when starting out in affiliate marketing without a budget.
hey everyone this is neil patel here and
today we have another q a thursday video
i'm here with adam lodolce from
viewership hello everyone
and this week's question is oh i'm going
to get this name wrong but i'm going to
try kubaib khan
and did i get that right kubibe i don't
know all right i apologize for not
knowing how to pronounce your name i
really am sorry but thank you for your
comment and the question is that can i
make a website for free just to start up
and then will it work for affiliate
marketing basically affiliate marketing
this is a good question and thank you
for leaving the comment
a lot of people believe and they have
this misconception in their head that if
you want to do affiliate marketing you
need to spend money on a premium domain
name spend a lot of money on a design
and that is completely wrong you can
start up with the free wordpress theme
start up a site you can even have your
site on wordpress.com
you can try to build your traffic and
then monetize it does not cost money to
do affiliate marketing yes most
affiliates make money from facebook ads
or google ads and then they send that
traffic to their landing page and then
push people to whatever products or
services that they're selling that works
that's a good model but you don't have
to start off that way doing something as
simple as throwing up a free wordpress
site will do well
and if i was to start off in doing
affiliate marketing i had little to no
money here's what i would do i'd go to
wordpress.com set up a website pick a
vertical that i'm passionate about if
you're not passionate you won't create
enough content when you're passionate
you're willing to put in the hours the
time energy it takes to succeed it's not
going to be easy but i believe in you
you can do it
once you have a topic you're passionate
go and create content whether it's
text-based content video based content
audio based content you pick
whatever is the easiest for you can take
out your phone create some videos write
some blog posts whatever it may be
now that you got your content going i
want you to do a simple thing go to
tools like buzzsumo they have free
versions look at other titles that have
done well you can also use semrush for
free or uber suggests
put in keywords see what ideas are
and go and see what's working and start
creating more of that kind of content
because that'll help you get even more
traffic now you got a base of content
already before you do this now you're
starting to write content that people
want to search for share you can even do
that at first if you want but generally
i say you should start off just by
writing what you're passionate about and
want to get off your mind or your chest
and then what you want to do is you want
to start sharing the content look to see
on twitter who's tweeting out similar
content ask them to tweet out your
content you want to see who you link to
email them let them know that you link
to them ask them to share your content
if you're in places like the european
union make sure you follow gdpr rules i
don't know if you can just randomly
email people worst case use their
website contact form let them know that
you emailed let them know that you
linked to them and ask them to share
your content this will start helping you
get traffic
then you want to use tools like
subscribers and hello bar to collect
emails to collect subscribers get people
coming to your site once they subscribe
you can notify them every time you have
new blog posts that are coming out you
do this for six months you've built up a
community an audience
and then when you mention products
within your blog post that you're
affiliate for and you push them you'll
start seeing income
that's how it had to that's how it start
if i were you and i had you know no
money to spend on facebook ads and
you're just starting off and i'm not
saying that doesn't mean you can't do
facebook ads and make that work but
that's how it started off if i had
little to no money you don't need a
registered domain name you don't have to
pay for hosting you can monetize by just
creating a simple website on
wordpress.com and following the steps i
yeah i mean the only thing i would add
to that is just make sure you're getting
people's email addresses when they're
coming to your website like if i were to
start youtube all over again and just
want to you know collect email addresses
i would literally have a one-page
address that i would send everyone to
for my youtube videos be like hey go
here collect the email and then when you
want to launch an affiliate program or
obviously your own product that's true
you can promote to the email list yeah
and you can use hellobar.com to do that
for free there it is so there it is all
right thank you for watching this week's
q a thursday video if you have a
question that you want answered leave it
below i'll answer it and it may even
show up in next week's q a thursday
thank you very much i appreciate your
time thank you for watching please like
comment share subscribe i hope you have
a wonderful day
Contrary to popular belief, affiliate marketing does not require a significant investment of money. In fact, starting with a free website on WordPress.com is a completely viable option. By selecting a vertical that one is passionate about, creating various forms of content, and using tools such as Buzzsumo and SEMrush to research popular topics and keywords, one can begin to build a following without spending a dime. Additionally, collecting email addresses through tools like HelloBar and using them to promote affiliate products can help generate income in the long run.
One key aspect of starting a successful affiliate website is selecting a vertical that one is passionate about. This passion translates into a willingness to put in the necessary time and effort to produce high-quality and engaging content. Without this passion, the website may end up feeling forced and unauthentic, which will ultimately turn away potential followers and customers.
Creating various forms of content, such as text-based blog posts, videos, and audio-based content, is essential for building a following. This content should be centered around topics and keywords that are popular and engaging to generate traffic. Additionally, it is important to create content that incites a sense of community and participation among followers.
Tools such as Buzzsumo and SEMrush can be used to research popular topics and keywords to create more relevant content and generate more traffic. This research can also help identify content that has performed well in the past to replicate it and build on it for future content.
Once content is created, it is important to share it and promote it through various means. Twitter is an excellent platform for sharing content and engaging with similar websites and content creators. Additionally, tools such as HelloBar and Subscribers can be used to collect email addresses and subscribers to promote content and affiliate products and services even further.
Collecting email addresses through tools such as HelloBar is essential for building a long-term following. By notifying subscribers of new blog posts and affiliate products, one can generate a steady stream of income. When promoting affiliate products, it is important to do so in a way that does not feel overly commercialized or inauthentic, as this can turn away potential customers.
Paid Memberships Pro (WP module)
Paid Memberships Pro is a WordPress Plugin for membership site curators, offering a rich feature set and integration options. It's a flexible revenue source for online and offline businesses.
Affiliate Marketing Mastery in 5 Minutes
Successful affiliate marketing requires a consistent content strategy to attract potential buyers. Utilize keyword research for content ideas and build a content machine for continuous content creation. Nurturing purchase intent and reducing risk with multiple income streams are essential. Choose the right affiliate marketing software and networks for effective management and scaling.
Post Affiliate Pro offers affiliate software for Shopify, WooCommerce, and WordPress. It provides integration methods, mobile apps, and alternatives. The company also offers support, knowledge base, and a list of resellers. Integration with osCSS involves placing a sale tracking script into the confirmation page to obtain OrderID and TotalSale values. The software is available under the GNU General Public License.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with Post Affiliate Pro.
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