CRE Loaded integration
An all-inclusive and easy to use e-commerce solution, combining powerful online store software and a full-featured shopping cart program.
Integration with CRE Loaded is made by placing sale tracking script into the confirmation page. To obtain the values of OrderID and TotalSale, snippet connects to CRE Loaded database and retrieves the values from there.
Locate file ‘checkout_success.php’
Find and open file ‘checkout_success.php’
Find correct place for integration in file
Inside file ‘checkout_success.php‘ find these lines:
// load all enabled checkout success modulesrequire(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'checkout_success.php');
Insert code
Before these lines insert this code:
// Post Affiliate Pro code
// The code below will get the order_id and total value of recent order
// from the database and displays invisible image that registers the sale
// for affiliate (if some affiliate referred this visitor)
// get order id
$sql = "select orders_id from ".TABLE_ORDERS.
" where customers_id='".(int)$customer_id.
"' order by date_purchased desc limit 1";
$pap_orders_query = tep_db_query($sql);
$pap_orders = tep_db_fetch_array($pap_orders_query);
$pap_order_id = $pap_orders['orders_id'];
// get total amount of order
$sql = "select value from ".TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL.
" where orders_id='".(int)$pap_order_id.
"' and class='ot_subtotal'";
$pap_orders_total_query = tep_db_query($sql);
$pap_orders_total = tep_db_fetch_array($pap_orders_total_query);
$pap_total_value = $pap_orders_total['value'];
// draw invisible image to register sale
if($pap_total_value != "" && $pap_order_id != "")
$pap_sale_img = '<img src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/sale.php?TotalCost='.$pap_total_value.'&OrderID='.$pap_order_id.'" width=1 height=1>';
// END of Post Affiliate Pro code
Locate template
Find and open file ‘/templates/content/checkout_success.tpl.php‘
Find correct place for integration
In this file find:
After this line insert this code:
// START of Post Affiliate Pro code
echo $pap_sale_img;
// END of Post Affiliate Pro code
You are ready
Your CRE Loaded shopping cart is integrated now. Every time customer enters the order confirmation page the tracking code is called and it will register a sale for referring affiliate.
Note: Tested on CRE Loaded 6.2 Pro B2B 6.2.06