BigCommerce integration
An all-in-one eCommerce platform with the power to grow your business & help you sell more.
This integration method explains the integration of Post Affiliate Pro with BigCommerce using a sale tracking script defined in the BigCommerce admin panel and the connection of our tracking plugin with the BigCommerce API.
It is possible to track subtotal cost, order ID, product SKUs (as product IDs), coupons, and a customer email (to support Lifetime commissions). You can configure our built-in BigCommerce API v3. plugin to track commissions on per product or per order basis.
Setting up the integration code
Log in to your BigCommerce admin panel, navigate to Advanced settings -> Data solutions (formerly Web Analytics) -> Affiliate Conversion Tracking, and add the following tracking code there. Make sure to replace UNIQUE123 in the first lines of the code with the custom (but unique) ID of your choice. This step is important since you will need to set up the same unique ID in the configuration of the plugin to make sure that the correct plugin configuration is selected.
<script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/trackjs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var papConfigIdentifier = 'UNIQUE123';
var orderId = '%%ORDER_ID%%';
var email = '%%ORDER_EMAIL%%';
var callBack = false;
function getVisitorId() {
return PostAffTracker._getAccountId() + PostAffTracker._cmanager.getVisitorIdOrSaleCookieValue();
function visitorCallBack() {
if (callBack == false && "null" != getVisitorId()) {
callBack = true;
var pixel = document.createElement("img");pixel.width=1;pixel.height=1;
pixel.src = 'https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/plugins/BigCommerceAPIv3/bigcommerce.php?visitorId='
try {
PostAffTracker.executeOnResponseFinished.push(function() {visitorCallBack();});
Save it and continue with the next step. Do not worry if BigCommerce shows a popup notification like “No placeholders used” after you placed in the sale tracking code. The sale tracking code will work properly. The notification shows up because the tracking code does not use %%ORDER_AMOUNT%% variable.
Create an API token
Navigate to Advanced settings -> API Accounts in your BIgCommerce admin panel, click on the Create API Account button in the top left corner, and choose Create V2/V3 API Token from the drop-down list. Name the token however you want, but the name has to be at least 4 characters long. Then set the following permissions to read-only: Marketing, Orders, Order Transactions. Once you click the Save button, the BigCommerce API Credentials will be displayed, and a .txt file with all credentials will be automatically downloaded to your computer. This file contains all the mandatory information to set up the integration plugin in your Post Affiliate Pro.
Plugin setup
The next step is to activate your BigCommerce API v3 plugin in your Post Affiliate Pro merchant panel -> Configuration -> Plugins. When activated, click the Configure button. You have to enter your Unique identifier which you have chosen in the first step of this integration guide, and then API path, Client ID, and Access Token from the .txt file generated in the previous step.
Click Tracking
The last step is to integrate your BigCommerce store pages with the click tracking code, which you can find in your Post Affiliate Pro merchant panel -> Tools ->Integration ->Click tracking
In newer versions of BigCommerce using their Stencil themes, you need to navigate to the Storefront section and click on Script manager. In this section click on Create a Script button in the top right corner. Name the script, set Location on page to Footer, Select pages where the script will be added to All pages, change Script type to Script, and insert the click tracking code from your Post Affiliate Pro merchant panel into Script contents field and save it.
In older versions of BigCommerce using the Legacy Blueprint themes, you need to navigate to Storefront -> My Themes. Click on Edit HTML/CSS, find the footer.html page in the menu, and add the click tracking code there at the bottom of the file. Don’t forget to save your changes.
Issues and possible solutions
If your BigCommerce store is properly integrated and your orders are not being tracked you should check these steps:
- Make sure that you used the integration code found in your Post Affiliate Pro account merchant panel -> Tools -> Integration -> Sale/lead tracking from the drop-down menu choose BigCommerce option.
- Make sure your Post Affiliate Pro account is available via HTTPS:// ( all accounts hosted by us are available via HTTPS:// by default )
- If you are using Legacy Blueprint theme, open your BigCommerce panel, click on Store setup -> Design -> Edit HTML/CSS, look up the order.html file. In that file right above the last </div> tag, there must be this code: %%GLOBAL_ConversionCode%%
- If you use Post Affiliate Pro version older than on June 27, 2014), then the BigCommerceAPI v3 plugin is not available in your installation of Post Affiliate Pro you need to add the following integration code in your BigCommerce admin panel into Advanced settings -> Data solutions (formerly Web Analytics) -> Affiliate Conversion Tracking
<script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/trackjs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var sale = PostAffTracker.createSale();
In case these steps did not help you, please do not hesitate to contact our support team for help.
NOTE: Bigcommerce platform does not support our Mod rewrite linking method or Site replication feature.