What are demand-side platforms?
A demand-side platform, also known as DSP, is a software used by merchants or agencies. It is necessary when merchants want to attend ad exchanges. A Demand-side platform allows and helps them to buy inventory.
It has a great feature – automatic decisions, bids and purchases making and it provides a real-time analytics.This software can link to data or multiple ad exchanges and it can also connect supply-side platform, which is used by affiliates.
- demand-side platforms
- advertising technology
- targeting options
Video summary
In this video, the speaker discusses demand-side platforms (DSPs) in advertising technology. DSPs are cloud-based software that advertisers can log into and define their advertising preferences and bids in real-time auctions. DSPs offer advanced targeting options like audience segments and the ability to upload customer data. The speaker explains how DSPs work alongside supply-side platforms (SSPs) in the advertising ecosystem. Popular DSPs include DV 360 and The Trade Desk. The speaker emphasizes the importance of working with SSPs that have partnerships with different DSPs. Overall, the video provides an overview of DSPs and their role in advertising technology.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are demand-side platforms important?
Demand-side platforms (DSPs) are important because they help advertisers reach their target audiences more effectively and efficiently. DSPs allow advertisers to bid on ad space in real-time, which means they can tailor their campaigns to specific audiences and optimize their expenses.
Who uses demand-side platforms?
Demand side platforms are used by merchants, managers and advertisers.
What are some examples of demand-side platforms?
There are many demand-side platforms, or DPS, such as Bucksense, SiteScout and MediaMath.