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Use attributes in format region_from and region_to= to change the languages showing in language switcher.
Available regions are:
europe_from europe_to
asia_from asia_to
mideast_from mideast_to
america_from america_to
europe_from=0 europe_to=22 will put all languages (ordered in language switcher settings) from 1 to 21 to Europe region:
asia_from=22 asia_to=25 will put all languages from 23 to 24 (so only 2) into Asia region.
Discover search arbitrage: leverage price differences across markets to earn profits. Target underutilized global markets with low-cost clicks on platforms like Taboola, and boost ROI in high-payout verticals. Unlock new revenue streams beyond the US.
search Arbitrage is essentially the.
taking advantage of price differences.
for the same product Google can sell a.
click for $2 but it only has a limited.
amount of people looking for that search.
term compared to the amount of.
advertisers willing to pay $2 for that.
term you as an Advertiser can use that.
to buy traffic on tabula send it to a.
park domain that then sends feeds search.
feeds traffic to uh Google or Bing or.
Yahoo and then Google or Bing or Yahoo.
through a feed provider will pay you for.
click that's the introduction of search.
rby trash most of the time I would say.
80% of search ad spend right now is in.
the US market why because around 50% of.
global ad spend on tabula is in the US.
it's where the epcs are the highest it's.
where Google search advertisers will pay.
the most for a click but in the rest of.
the world The Click prices on tabula do.
not compare to the click prices on.
Google the average CPC in 2021 in Italy.
was 4.
cents the average CPC for a desktop.
click in the US I'm guessing it's closer.
to 65 right now so you're talking about.
markets that from a GDP standpoint there.
is a difference but there's not a 20x.
difference and so what I've done in the.
last weeks is I've created a little bit.
of a hypothesis and I've tested it in.
February what are high vertical payouts.
so dental insurance divorce lawyers.
stuff that people need and are willing.
to pay for on an advertising side a lot.
so dental implants are a very popular.
one because typically the margins on.
dental implants are really really really.
high you can think about things like.
Plumbing or car insurance or even debt.
uh offers that where where the.
advertiser has a really high margin on.
the click that he's buying on Google and.
is willing to pay a lot of money.
comparatively for it I've taken that.
approach and compared it to where tabula.
has low priced high quality inventory.
Tula covers a lot of markets not all of.
them equally but there markets that are.
doing ex like surprisingly well when it.
comes to a quality of the click that.
have dirt cheap prices I'm currently.
buying Clicks in Turkey for a little bit.
less than seven 0. 7 cents it's going.
great and I'm making a lot of money.
because search advertisers are going to.
pay substantially more for a dental.
implant click in Turkey than I'm going.
to be paying on tabula that's what.
Arbitrage is about and that's what a lot.
of Arbitrage advertisers forget when.
they're uploading campaigns they see the.
Big Shiny EPC see $150 in the US on.
Dental great but your click's going to.
cost you 35 you can be making 30 cents.
Italy and paying 3 cents for a click and.
have a much higher margin percentage.
wise than you would running Dental in.
the US against a thousand other.
advertisers that might have more budget.
more experience than you do using this.
I've made a good amount of money in the.
last few weeks testing this hypothesis.
these are some screenshots from February.
I had to submit my presentation on the.
17th so here go from the 16th from.
France and Southeast Asian campaigns.
aggregated together I'm spend I'm one.
person spending maybe an hour a day.
running these campaigns with margins.
that will wipe the floor with anyone.
running us search sure I'm not spending.
50k a day on each of these verticals but.
aggregated your spend can be substantial.
remember half of tabula spend globally.
is not in the US there's a lot of other.
markets that you can Target there's a.
lot of other markets that you can spend.
money on on the same verticals with near.
identical ads so the same image with a.
translated headline and make margins.
that are not comparable to what you're.
doing right now in the US I'm not saying.
the US isn't a lucrative Market I'm just.
saying the rest of the world is a market.
that is absolutely underutilized for.
search rby.
treasure This Together these markets are.
the ones that I've tested in the last.
few weeks I've made between 30 to 100%.
Roi in.
February it works again I have a million.
other things that I'm doing and it's.
been extremely lucrative with extremely.
little of my time compared to the output.
that I've been able to achieve there.
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