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FIGS achieves 60% customer retention by segmenting audiences using data-driven email strategies, focusing on timely engagement and creative updates. Success peaks during Black Friday/Cyber Monday, emphasizing email's power in customer retention.
So it's super important to understand your data, understand how people respond,and understand what their frequency of purchase.
is and be in their inbox,remarket to them on Facebook and Instagram.
Be on search and shopping. Just be in front of them when it's time.
to purchase again. And then retention. This is such a crucial component of the business, and I think that it's often overlooked. Obviously we just heard a talk about how email works. A 6-step flow to really closing a customer. I use email slightly different. If your products are amazing, people are going to want to come back and buy more. They're going to want to share it with their friends. They're going to want to know all about your brand. And email is such a good way to really directly communicate with them.
For us, we try to retain somewhere.
around 60% of customers. We're consistently working on trying to get that up. But it's pretty cool to see, and it's really built on a foundation of data. Basically, it's pretty simple. Our buyers are organised into buckets deemed by our data. We'll create a variety of emails in each of these buckets and at any given time, the emails that I am running,I'm somewhere around 97 emails at a time. And we're constantly changing out the creative. We have a stage that's really a welcome to the brand. A stage that's new, but haven't bought yet. Like they sign up for the list, but haven't bought.
New, haven't bought, but looked at the site extensively.
High-intent buyers. New, haven't bought, but haven't really looked around the site. Lower-intent buyers. Cart abandon, browse abandon. These are pretty self-explanatory. Really high-converting stages. Open rates of above like 50%. Follow up after purchase with some soft content, kind of ease it in. And it's like, hey! Our stuff is cool right? You liked it.
Learn a little bit more about the brand. Keep them warm. Ready to buy again. And then we have some of the churn stages. Hi, let's still be friends. We're still here. Or you're dead to me, or maybe you're not,.
let me give you a coupon code. I think there's like 10 stages that we're kind of really.
working with there. To prevent stagnation in this, we're constantly testing these creatives. We're updating creatives probablyevery month. Definitely every month.
And subject lines are tested on a weekly basis. During Black Friday / Cyber Monday weekend, we sent out somewhere around 12. 5 million emails. And the open rate around slightly above 30%.
Conversion rate was around 11%. We crushed it with email on Cyber Monday.
SMS was very similar. Super, super, super aggressive campaign where we sent around 500,000 text messages. And it converted around 12%. We're very meticulous with our understanding of how to deliver these emails, who wants to receive an email,what type of content they want to receive, keeping the buyer warm and hitting them withtransactional content when the time's right. I'm typically in a place where I want to convert a customer within 7-14 days. If they come into the funnel.
If they bought that one time,what we do so well is that we know our second purchase typically happens,and this kind of evolves over time.
It's evolved over time. But that second purchase really happens within a 45 day window, which is kind of amazing. And if we can get that customer to.
buy that second time,we're very convinced that we can have a customer for life. So it's super important to understand your data,.
understand how people respond,and understand what their frequency of purchase is.
and be in their inbox, remarket to them onFacebook and Instagram. Be on search and shopping. Just be in front of them when it's time.
to purchase again.
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