PagSeguro (IPN already used) integration
PagSeguro is a Brazilian-based national e-commerce business allowing payments and money transfers to be made through the Internet.
The integration is done by a built-in plugin which reads PagSeguro data notifications.
Check your notification URL
Navigate to Integrations > Transaction notifications and it there already is a URL defined, it means you have to follow the next steps. First of all, take a note of the URL which you are using right now.
PagSeguro buttons
The next step in case of the integration is to integrate your PagSeguro buttons. Place this extra code into code of every button you want to integrate. Please note the value xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is the notification URL, from the previous step, which you made a note of. Please, replace it in the code:
<input type="hidden" name="notificationURL" value="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" id="pap_ab78y5t4a">
<script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/trackjs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
PostAffTracker.writeCookieToCustomField('pap_ab78y5t4a', '', 'pap_custom');
The code will automatically append the needed tracking value to your notification script. In the next step we will process it.
Modification of the IPN script
We’ve set the needed tracking value to your notification script URL as a GET parameter. Now, we will process it. Find and edit your notification script. Find the place in the code where ‘notificationCode‘ value is processed. At the same place, use this code:
/* Post Affiliate Pro integration snippet */
/* /Post Affiliate Pro integration snippet */
This will send necessary data to your PagSeguro plugin in Post Affiliate Pro and handle the notification.
Plugin setup
The final step is to activate and configure your PagSeguro plugin. Login to your Post Affiliate Pro merchant panel and navigate to Plugins section. Activate and then configure the PagSeguro plugin. When configuring, you will need the security token mentioned in step 1.
You are done. Your sales will be tracked now.
Do not forget to integrate your site with the click tracking code to make it all working.

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PremiumWebCart IPN integration
Discover seamless PremiumWebCart IPN integration with Post Affiliate Pro, enabling efficient transaction tracking and customer detail management. Create custom product links, set up IPN URLs, and enable plugins effortlessly. Optimize your affiliate marketing strategy today with our user-friendly guide and exceptional support. Start your free trial now!
Discover seamless integration of Internet Secure with Post Affiliate Pro, enabling your business to accept major credit cards in US and Canadian dollars. Learn about plugin activation, payment form setup, and examples for smooth transactions. Enhance your affiliate management with our user-friendly software and exceptional support. Visit now for a comprehensive guide and start optimizing your payment solutions today!
Discover seamless PayPro integration with Post Affiliate Pro, the perfect eCommerce platform for selling Software, SaaS, and Cloud Services. Easily track sales by adding tracking code to your thank you page, ensuring secure transactions via HTTPS. Explore more integrations and start your free trial today!
Integrate PayPal seamlessly with Post Affiliate Pro using IPN callback to track sales and generate commissions for affiliates. Follow our simple steps to set up the PayPal IPN handling plugin and ensure your transactions are efficiently managed. Discover the benefits of streamlined affiliate management with Post Affiliate Pro today!