Gambio integration
An all-in-one shopping cart solution.
This integration method integrates Post Affiliate Pro with Gambio online shop solution (v 2.5 and higher).
You can track subtotal, order ID and currency. It also supports Lifetime Commissions.
Edit controller file
In your FTP, find and edit file ‘system/classes/checkout/’
Try to find the text saying:
select orders_id, orders_status, payment_method from
and add ‘, currency‘ after ‘payment_method‘.
Now, the last step is to find the line:
$coo_checkout_success_content_view->set_content_data('extender_html_array', $coo_checkout_success_extender_component->get_html_output_array());
Add the following sale tracking code above that line:
/* Post Affiliate Pro integration snippet */
$papOrderTotals = xtc_db_query("select value from ".TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL." where orders_id = '".$last_order."'");
$papOrders = xtc_db_fetch_array($papOrderTotals);
$papTrackingCode = '<script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/trackjs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var sale = PostAffTracker.createSale();'."
$coo_checkout_success_content_view->set_content_data('papTrackingCode', $papTrackingCode);
/* /Post Affiliate Pro integration snippet */
Save your changes and continue to the next step.
Edit template
Login to your FTP and open the file templates/YOUR_THEME/module/checkout_success.html for edit. Add the following code to the end of the file:
<!-- Post Affiliate Pro integration snippet -->
<!-- /Post Affiliate Pro integration snippet -->
Save your change. Navigate to the admin panel Toolbox> Cache and empty the Output cache with button for: ‘Empty page output cache’
That’s it, you are done!
Do not forget to integrate your shopping cart with the click tracking code as well. You can do it in you admin – Shop settings> SEO> Tracking codes.
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