Fortune3 integration
An ecommerce website builder and shopping cart software.
This integration method is for Windows based shopping cart software and also for the hosted solution. The integration is done by simple insertion of the tracking codes into the application special section.
Click tracking integration
The first step is to insert the click tracking code so the sale tracking can work properly.
In your Post Affiliate Pro merchant panel get the click tracking code from Tools> Integration> Click tracking.
In your Fortune3 application login to Admin site, then navigate to Marketing> Tracking code/Analytics– scroll down to
“Tracking Code(s) or Code(s) to be included in every webpage of your site:” and paste the click tracking code there.
Sale tracking integration
While you are in Admin site in Tracking code/Analytics section, scroll to
“Conversion Code(s) or Code(s) to be executed when orders are approved:“
and insert the following code there:
<script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/trackjs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var sale = PostAffTracker.createSale();
Here you can see all the available variables:
- {total} as the ‘Conversion Value’ for the total invoice amount
- {subtotal} to use the Sub-total
- {orderid} for the Order ID
- {taxamount} for amount of tax
- {shippingamount} for amount of shipping
- {city} for customer city
- {state} for customer state
- {country} for customer country
That’s it. Now your Fortune3 is integrated.