ClickCartPro integration
Actively developed since 1999, this seasoned product can get your store up and running fast.
Integration with ccBill can be made using the Approval URL supported by them. Go to Account Maintenance > Account Admin.
Login to your ClickCartPro Admin Center and go to the Main Menu.
Manage Site Elements
Go to HTML Pages and Elements > Manage Site Elements.
Update template
Open and update this template: Order Confirmation – Third Party Affiliate Program Placeholder.
Place the following code anywhere in the box (all in one line) and click submit:
<script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/trackjs.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">
PostAffTracker.setAccountId('Account_ID');var sale = PostAffTracker.createSale();
sale.setProductID('test product');
This is all that is required. Now whenever there’s sale, ClickCartProwill call our sale tracking script, and system will generate commissionfor the affiliate.