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Learn how to increase your Google Network exposure with power switches in the Google Shopping Network. Discover how to use campaign priority levels, segmentation, and enhanced CPC to optimize your campaigns. Find out how these tools impact the affiliate marketing industry and benefit advertisers and affiliates. Sign up for a free account and schedule a call to learn more with Post Affiliate Pro.
The video discusses power switches in Google Shopping Network and how they can increase exposure, provide a competitive edge, and optimize campaign objectives. The first power switch is campaign priority levels which allow for high, medium, and low priorities for different campaigns. The second power switch is segmentation within campaigns to target specific types of traffic. The third power switch is enhanced CPC, which allows for increased bidding when hitting a traffic ceiling. It is recommended to have at least 30 conversions before using enhanced CPC.
Aright, this is the first power switch. Campaign priority levels. So essentially
as you're setting up different campaigns, you can tell Google what to look at first.
So specifically, what the heck are power switches? Alright. These are
controls within the Google Shopping Network that allows you to tell Google
to send you different type of traffic based off your campaign objectives.
And it also is going to allow you to
increase your exposure on the entire Shopping Network at no additional cost,
and then lastly, it's gonna help give you a competitive edge when you're actually
scaling your ads on the Shopping Network.
So what does that look like?
This is the first power switch. Campaign priority levels. So essentially
as you're setting up different campaigns, you can tell Google what to look at
first. High-priority says hey Google, look at this campaign for us first.
Medium-priority says hey, if there's another high-priority look at
this campaign objective second, lastly is low-priority. That's the thing that
they're gonna look at last, and all the different campaigns that you have set up.
So within campaign priority levels, number one, I highly recommend using this
when you're actually doing manual bidding, okay.
Next is the segmentation within your campaigns when scaling with lots of products and
stuff, the reason why you want to tell Google what campaigns to look at first
is we can actually set up different types of audiences within the Shopping
Network to tell them to look at different campaigns.
So an example is, let's just say, you want like a bunch of
generic campaigns that end up in one campaign type because we know that
generic traffic doesn't convert as much as longtail keywords. So what we
can do is we can actually set up one campaign and tell Google, put a
high-priority on all the people that are at the top of the funnel.
I still want those people coming to my website but I just don't want to spend
that to spend how much money for them. And then next we can set our
campaign that we're going to spend more money on, as a low-priority campaign,
which is gonna be like a second campaign if you're setting up a funnel and we can
say, hey Google all the longtail keywords that come, send them to this campaign cause
I'll pay you more money, but only send them to me if I'm actually
looking for that quality of traffic. So the next thing you've got to do
is make sure that you actually turn on the targeted networks or targeting
networks specifically in the shopping campaigns. So when you're
actually setting a campaign up, Google is going to ask
like, hey do you want your products to show up on the Search Network? Do you
want your products show up on YouTube? The Search Network mostly is checked by
default, but YouTube, if you guys don't have that checked, if you want to go inside
your campaigns right now, check that so you can start actually running traffic
on YouTube too. So with that being said this works for any type
of campaign type. Any campaign types that you guys have, you want to make sure that
you turn this on and make sure that you enable it pretty much on all the
channels that are that Google is going to allow you to, right. Then lastly, we
already talked about Google services, but when you make sure that you have the
Search Network turned on, and YouTube turned on, Google is going to look at all
that as they're seeing all the queries that's happening on other channels and
different device types with surfaces, and is gonna start to display your
traffic on the Google Display Network. Again, for the same rates that you're
already paying on the Shopping Network. So specifically the first
power switch that I've talked about with the networks, this is what it looks like.
So pretty much websites that have like this search phrase or search box
specifically on their websites, that's where you're gonna start to show up
specifically with that. YouTube, if you guys haven't noticed again, when you
have that box checked, on YouTube right underneath the videos, Google is actually
gonna start taking a look at the terms and they're gonna start displaying you
on YouTube as they see that your campaigns are doing well specifically on
the Shopping Network. Then the last, power switch is enhanced CPC. So that's
where it looks like inside the campaigns if you're already running campaigns, you
just click on settings and then you'll see it in the bidding section.
So with enhanced CPC, the only time that you want to turn this on is when you're
actually starting to hit a ceiling for your traffic. So I've talked to quite a
few people that's here, they're like hey Earnest, I'm kind of matching out in
terms of traffic, I'm not able to you know scale things up a little bit
more. This is a perfect time to actually turn on this third power switch. The next
thing is point number two, I only recommend ever turning this on once
you have at least 30 conversions for either your product and/or that campaign
type. Because if you don't, essentially, I don't have like a lot of
time to go into enhanced CPC but inevitably, you give your control
over to Google to increase how much you're willing to pay-per-click and when they
have more data specifically on the products it is that you're selling,
they're only going to increase that by on average about a 20-30%
variance but when you don't have a lot of data inside your campaigns,
essentially Google just gonna shotgun around and try to figure out how
much they should charge you. So out of all that, point number two is the most
important thing to write down. Lastly is when you have, like when I
talked about the data and stuff inside your campaign, like I just mentioned,
Google's not gonna charge as much when you do that. So essentially all you do is
just click that little checkbox, boom. Then now Google's going to enhance your
CPC to allow you to kind of leapfrog in front of your competition as you're
actually one of your ads for your campaigns.
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