BreezingForms (Joomla! Extension) integration
The most advanced forms builder for Joomla. Well supported and frequently updated, always ahead.
BreezingForms is a Joomla extension to help you manage various registration forms. This integration integrates “per lead” transaction – a sale commission with no order amount.
Adding a function with thge tracking code
First step is to create a special function that we can call when onclick method for your submit button is triggered. Navigate to your joomla directory /components/com_breezingforms/ and open file ‘facileforms.process.php’ for edit. Now, find the code of your form – it depends on what settings did you choose in module configuration. In this example we are modifying a form for “Quick mode“.
- find this text: switch ($this->runmode) { case _FF_RUNMODE_FRONTEND:case _FF_RUNMODE_FRONTEND:
- now locate the first occurrence of line:
echo '</form>'.nl();
- add the following code ABOVE the line with
// Post Affiliate Pro integration snippet
echo '<script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/trackjs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function trackIt() {'."
var sale = PostAffTracker.createSale();
// /Post Affiliate Pro integration snippet
Setting the function for an onclick event
Locate file /administrator/components/com_breezingforms/libraries/crosstec/classes/BFQuickMode.php and open it for edit.
- locate onclick method in your submit button… there are more unfortunately.
- insert this line into the onclick event the way it is first in a row:
That’s it. Now when the submit button is clicked, a new lead is generated.