ARB integration
Automated Recurring Billing (ARB) enables you to automatically process installment-based credit card or eCheck.
This plugin integrates ARB using Silent order post callback. It is suitable if you are using recurring payments with
1. Activate and configure plugin
First you have to activate the plugin in Plugins section of your Post Affiliate Pro. When activated, click Configure button in plugin item. Here you can set the name of custom item used to transfer tracking information to Post Affiliate Pro. This name has to be set to “description” by default. If you are using a field with this name just specify a separator (two pipes are usually used).
2. Configure Silent order post
Login to your account. Now go Menu> Account> Settings> Silent post URL. Here you have to specify a path to the plugin in your installation of Post Affiliate Pro. Please use this URL:
When you’re done, click the Submit button.
Recurring payments are identified by invoice id from For every new payment, its invoice id is stored to transaction data 5 filed. For every next recurring payment invoice id is also stored to data 4 for identification purposes.
3. Setting up the XML
Recurring payments are usually defined by an XML file which is sent to Authorize.Net. If you want to set some custom data into the description field, you have to do some special steps. First of all, the XML is built in the background – on the server side. To get the needed visitorID value, you have to set a special code to the form which is displayed to the customer before the XML is set. Use this code in the form:
<input type="hidden" name="pap_custom" value="" id="pap_dx8vc2s5" />
<script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/notifysale.php" type="text/javascript">
The script will automatically load the needed value to the ‘pap_custom‘ hidden field. This way you can use it when the XML is built.
As mentioned before, if you already use the description field for something else, simply append the value of visitorID using the separator set in the plugin.
4. Handling the response
The last step is to handle the response. If you already use your INS for something, it might be useful for you to remove the custom value from description.
In case of tracking, the plugin will automatically extract the value from the description field based on the plugin settings.
Integration is now complete. Do not forget to integrate your site with the click tracking code which is necessary for correct work of sale tracking.
Instamojo is a top payment gateway & eCommerce platform in India, trusted by 1.2 million businesses. It offers fast, secure payment services with no setup or maintenance costs, supporting various payment methods. Integration with Post Affiliate Pro requires obtaining API key and Auth Token, enabling tracking plugin, and adding sale tracking code to the thank you page.
Setcom (Auto-post used by other script)
Post Affiliate Pro offers a wide range of features, integration methods, and support for affiliate software. It also provides a free trial and customer support. Choose a name for your PostAffiliate Pro subdomain and start your free account to benefit from their services.