Art Storefronts integration
Best-in-Class Art Gallery Websites for Artists & Photographers. With art visualization tools, hundreds of art-selling features, and robust educational resources, their feature-rich platform is second to none.
Integration with Art Storefronts is made by placing a sale tracking script into the confirmation page.
Add click tracking code
Once logged in in Art Storefronts panel edit your website and go to SITE SETTINGS section and to the SCRIPTS tab and insert your click tracking code obtained from your Post Affiliate Pro merchant panel’s Tools->Integration section into the SITE WIDE <Body> section.
Add sale tracking code
Still in SITE SETTINGS > SCRIPTS tab switch to the KEY CONVERSION EVENTS tab and add the following code to Success page: <Body> at the very bottom:
<script id="pap_x2s6df8d" src="https://URL_TO_PostAffiliatePro/scripts/trackjs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var papProduct_ids = [];
'{% for item in items %}'
papProduct_ids.push('{{ item.product_id }}');
'{% endfor %}'
var sale = PostAffTracker.createSale();
sale.setTotalCost('{{ order.subtotal_after_discount }}');
sale.setOrderID('{{ order.number }}');
sale.setProductID(papProduct_ids.join(', '));
sale.setCurrency('{{ website.currency }}');
sale.setData1('{{ }}');
sale.setData2('{{ }}');
sale.setData3('{{ contact.full_name }}');
Save the changes and the integration is done. Every time customer enters the order confirmation page the tracking code is called and it will register a sale for the referring affiliate.